BreeceGo Control your Breece Cloud System in your Palm.
Use BreeceGo both on dedicated mobile handheld devices and mobile phones.
BreeceGo is supported on Android version 6 and later and on IOS 12 and later.
Get BreeceGo for Android on Google Play and IOS on App Store.
Scan the QR code you got in e-mail, printed paper, or web
login is to scan a QR code.
The login configuration can be reached by tapping the .
Here it is possible to switch between 2D and 1D barcodes for login.
After the first login, it's time to name the app/device.
The name is later used as a reference for registered devices.
After giving the devicename, Choose the default input method
Main screen
On the main screen, you will see all the BreeceGo actions
(optional) - Logging in with Access Duration Time (set in Breece Cloud)
the remaining login time is shown at the bottom of the screen
Main Upper Menu (Dashboard):
After logging in, the Dashboard appears in the upper part of the screen. It is showing:
Red is an alert
Yellow is a warning
Green is OK
Grey is nothing is available.
Tap the Tile if you want to see more detailed information.
Tap the antenna tile to get further information.
Dynamic Communicator is tapped, and it is possible to test its connection.
Tap the Test connectivity (Ping)
If there is no connection to the master antenna, the system can not communicate with the displays.
If you want to see
the antenna's position, tap the 3 dots in the upper right corner and press See the position of antenna.
here you can see the Display status and swipe between them
- All Displays
- DisplaysFailed displays
- Displays with low battery voltage
- displays Ok
OK Displays
Taping on the tile will bring you the list of display displays that are OK
. You can then tap on the displays to get further information about the display.
When a finger is holding onto the picture of the display, it is possible to save, copy, or share the picture.
This can be useful in support situations.
Low Battery Displays
All displays due to the low battery are listed here and can be seen by tapping the tile.
When a display appears in Low Battery, the battery change is due, and the batteries have approximately 2-3 months of power left before running out.
(In the store: Find the low-powered display by finding the attached product)
Tap the display in the list to see details
batteryIt is possible to handle the low battery.
We will guide you to change the batterys
Failed Displays
To interact with the Display
- reconfiguringForce update or reconfigure is to try to fix the error
Reasons for display failure can be:
Out of the Antenna reach - Take the display inside the reach og the antenna
Failed network configuration - Try to reconfigure or delete and add the display in reach of the main antenna
Displays completely out of battery - Change batteries and force update display.
Data Sync ( Import)
By tapping Data Sync, the status of the import is shown.
This can come in handy to find errors in the system.
If there are no imports, Control the ERP Export.
By tapping it is possible to see the import history and if there are faulty imports.
Here is a list of other devices run by the Breece Cloud.
Vision4K is the 4K price-enabled Digital Signage system Powered by Breece Cloud to be used on large screens.
When the Vision4K is offline it appears here with the color red and can be tapped and actions are taken.
e-Shelf display is an AC-powered display, that can be mounted on a shelf and can be divided into different parts ESL-like.
When the Stretch display is offline it appears here with the color red and can be tapped and actions are taken.
All working devices have a green color to the left of the device name.
Main Center Menu:
In the main center menu it is possible to swipe between 2 overviews:
The Insight - Display overview, where Failed - Low Battery - OK can be tapped and actions made like on the Display status in the upper main menu.
Main Lower Menu:
The Shortcut buttons can be configured in Breece Cloud to be visible, not visible, or protected by a SuperUser password.
When selecting a menu that requires a super user password - this has to be entered for each use.
BreeceGo Functions
The different functions give you some powerful tools to manage your Breece Cloud system.
To make input either use a built-in keyboard, Laser scanner, or Camera scanning.
the If default is camera - switch between camera and keyboard by tapping the keyboard icon.
Find the Breece Go Functions by tapping the Functions key at the Bottom.
Then the Function Bottoms will appear
Make sure your device is online.
Scan the display barcode, second scan the product barcode to create a link between an ESL and a product.
Notice that it is possible to search for a product by tapping the 3 dots in the product number field.
Optionalavailable: After scanning the display it is possible the change the display layout - if multiple layouts are availble. The available layouts is benieth the display serial number field. It is possible to list all by tapping the list all. The different available layouts appear and by tapping the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the layout, it can be set as a local default.
Asign with positions
To set position on a display, first, a store plan must be uploaded to Breece Cloud on the installation.
Second, the setting Promt for the position can be set.
there is always a default Layout to beused. If there are alternative layouts i is possible to change it on the fly when assigned to a product, by pressing the desired layout.
If there are more floor plans than one, choose the one you want to position the display on mark the position with your finger, and hit checkmark on the upper right corner to save it.
1. Scan display
2. Choose
3. Select the floor plan to position the display
4. Mark where the display is and then in the upper right corner checkmark it.
Assign Video to e-Shelf display
- Scan the Stretch display barcode,
- click on the layout you want to use
- click on the video you want to be shown
Add product to the video layout
- click on Add another product
- scan or type the product
- click on the arrows to move the product on the e-Shelf display
- click on the check mark when done
Change the design and video on the e-Shelf display &
Search product
- use the Search product if you do not have a barcode or know the product number
here you can search for the name and number of the product
Scan the display barcode to remove the link between ESL and the product
Assign Manual Values
Enter or scan product number to Assign Manuel Values, defined on Breece Cloud. Her we have examples of 4 different manual fields.
Flash to Find
Scan a product number to make the linked display(s) flash the LED. If the display does not have LED, the Screen will flash.
Product Lookup
Scan a linked display serial number or product number to see the product information.
Scan a display serial number to refresh the display (Forcing new image from cloud)
Position Management
Scan the positioned display. Press the 3 dots in the upper right corner. Choose to change position or to remove the display position. To change position jo choose change position and mark the map with the new position and hit the checkmark in the upper right corner of the screen.
Display Health Check
Scan a display serial number to get a display health check and get information about the display and batteries.
After scanning a display, if you want detailed information, tap the display serial number.
Scan a blank display serial number to add the display to the system.
To add a display it is important that the display is within reach of the master antenna.
The display will receive a configuration and will be ready to use (This might take a few minuttes).
Displays is ready when image is shown.
Scan a display to delete it from the system. After deletion, it can not be used on the system it has been deleted from. To make it work see the +Add section above. If a Superuser password is set, enter the password to continue delete.
To replace a display, first scan to "old" display and then the new display. After the replace, the image from the old display will be transferred to the new display
Make display change page, either by choosing a single display and scan the display or change page on all displays on the installation
BreeceGo Profile Menu:
To the right from the Functions Menu we have the profile Menu
The Profile menu have the following submenus:
In the top menu we have the display inventory. It is showing the numre of displays used and unused. Swipe left to see the inventory for every type of display in the system.
when you see a red dot here it means, there are new messages. Tab to read.
Messages can be system messages with Communicator fallout and import failures,
but also messages sent to the device from Breece Cloud.
By tapping the 3 dots in the upper left corner, it is possible to mark all messages as read.
Subscription of various alerts can be configured in cloud.
Warranty Lookup
Scan a display's serial number to see warranty information.
The settings here can either be inherited from the settings from Breece Cloud or the configuration can be set on device.
If the configurations come from Breece Cloud and settings might be locked and not possible to change.
Other can be overridden on the device.
Select your desired language by tapping the language
Then in the submenu press the language you wish to use and press the apply bottom
When set the Queue information will be updated on the device (Default is enabled)
Default Input Method
BreeceGo can be used with a Keyboard, Laser Scanner, or Camera according to the device it will be used on.
This setting sets the default input method.
On mobile phones, the Camera is preferred
On Handheld devices with built-in lasers, the Built-in laser scanner is preferred
Display Features
Check for displays status - When enabled this feature will whenever a display is scanend (that is not OK) - the user will be asked if the user wish to continue with using this display.
Product Features
Should be when the user wished a leading text to be deleted from product input when ever this is made.
The enables the system to remove a leading string e.a removing leading cirros in a barcode
Here the leading string can be defined
Select Keyboard Layout Choose Text or numeric and press Apply
Convert Code 39 to Code 32 by pressing the slider
Product validation kanbe set in the Cloud or locally in Breece Go
Choose between the following:
- No Product Validation
- Product validation Product must exist
- Product validation Product does not need to exist
Her you can set diferent settings for bar codes
Preferred resolution:
Switch Installation
Is not visible unless the BreeceGo User has access to more than one installation.
If there is access to more than one installation,
the installations are shown here and It is possible to switch between those installations.
Point Mobile Override
Only for piont Mobile devices.
This option is used when multible app are used on same device but using different scan wedge setting.
When enabled - will make sure scan wedge options are briefly changed to make BreeceGo work and will the returned back to the previous setting when BreeceGo is not in focus or cloced.