
The tabs

In the top of the page, you can select between the different tabs. These give you access to all the installations resources your user has access to. 

Right click actions

When right clicking an item you will get access to actions that will effect 

Bottom actionbar

In the bottom actionbar, you will find actions that do not effect specific items like adding a new display, print. installation details. 

On the bottom actionbar, you will find general actions related to the page you are looking at.

For displays this includes;

DisplayBatch, View display batches, Display configuration, Add Display, New assignment, Export Filtered List

The actions will vary to match the tab you are in.

The sidebar is a detailed information panel that will give you additional information on the currently selected item, in this example there is additional information about the display.

Click on the arrow on the right side of the page to access the side bar.

Top bar

On the top bar you can;

Manage profile

Create a support ticket if you require assistance:

Installation Dashboard

Press the first button on the top bar, This installation, to see an overview of your installation

The overview includes;

Displays (Total number of displays, in use, failed etc.)

Data (Total number of products, in use, successful data imports, partially successful data imports, failed data imports)

Equipment (Number of antennas, connected, not connected)

Installation(s) (Master antenna - this should always be green. The master antenna handles all jobs for the displays and is required for the system to operate)

Green - OK 

Yellow - Warning! Attention may be required

Red - Error! Attention needed!

Alert Severity

There are two Alert severities. Critical and warning.

Critical alert

The critical alert indicates that the installation is having major problems that are causing the installation not to function properly.

Warning alert

The warning alert indicates that the installation is having minor problems that are a minor inconvenience but will not affect the overall functionality of the installation

Acknowledge alerts

When you acknowledge an alert the alert will be removed from the notification system and the system will stop notifying you about the alert. You can still see the alert in the acknowledged list. 

 System Overview

In the "This Installation" tab, you can get information about the state of the system. Do you need easy access to failed displays, communicator status, product updates this is the place to be.  

In the top of each section, you will find a circle diagram that will give you a summarized status and an icon that tells if there are errors that need your attention.


Displays overview

Operation status

Operation status will give you an overview of all displays in the system. How many is in use and how many are not in use but ready


Warnings will give you an overview of displays with low battery, also those who are in use and not in use.


Errors status gives you an overview of all the displays that are reporting errors.

If a display fails to update, the system will try to update the display several times before it ends up in the list of displays that are reporting errors.

Data Overview


Entries shows you an overview of products in use and not in use. You can click on either of them to get a filtered list overview of all the products.


Imports will show you an overview of product imports. You can click on them to see detailed information for the product imports.


Updates will show you an overview of each update on the products. Be aware that the numbers reflect each time a product has been updated in a given week. If you click into the list it will not show each update, it will show each product that has been updated.


In the "Communicators" tab you will find a list of all communicator configured on your system. Administrators can manage the find the communicators you are looking for.

Communicator Type

The Dynamic Communicator(DC) is the control center in the installation. All communication between the server and the antennas goes thru this antenna. There can only be one DC on each installation. You can't delete a master DC.

You will have Range Extenders in your installation when one DC can't cover the whole installation area. 

Communicator Name

Best practice is either a location name so you can easy find the antenna or the antenna serialnumber. 


It's important for Communicators close together to not share the same channel. If they do it can cause the communication between the antenna and display to be unstable.


Ip address of the antenna.

Operational mode

Update and Configure mode. will enable the antenna to configure new displays and update displays in range. there can only be one antenna set to Update and Configure mode

Update mode will only enable the antenna to update the displays in range.

Operational Status

With Operational status, you can see the antenna status. This could be interesting in daily use of the system. If you encounter problems with the system it's a good idea to make sure the system and the antennas are online. 

Communicator actions

By right clicking or clicking the arrow on an antenna in the list, you will get a menu with all the actions you have available with one antenna.


Restarts the antenna.

Take note that this can take some time.

Clear Queues

Clears all displays that are queued in the Dynamic Communicator. 


Request log

Will get logs from the antenna. 

Take note that this can take some time.


See requested logs.


Configure Name, Hostname, Configuration type, Is enabled, Channel.

New antenna

Adds a new antenna to the system.


Requests a backup from the selected antenna.


In the Displays tab, you can manage all your displays. Use the filtersto find the displays you are looking for.

Display actions

Display actions allow add, delete, assign displays and more. 

Single display actions

By right clicking or clicking the arrow on a display in the list, you will get a menu with all the actions you have available with one display.



will assign a display to a product.

When clicking assignment a new window will open. Here you can type or scan the product number. Select the desired layout and press "Add". The product will now be assigned to the display. 


will release a product from a display. If no problems arise this message will show.

Assign History

will give you a list of all assignments of the given display.

Queue History

will give you a list of all actions that have been done to a display. 

Multiple display actions

When one or more displays are selected by checkbox, you can access actions you can do on multiple displays by right clicking or on a display in the list.

Multi release 

will release products from displays. If no problems arise this message will show.

Reconfigure displays

will reconfigure display. For more information see three"Most common display faults and solutions".

Force Update 

will force an update of the display. For more information see the "Most common display faults and solutions".


will test the connection to the display.


will change the page on the display. Each display has thee page slots available. 


Delete Displays

will remove the display from the system.  For more information see the "Most common display faults and solutions".

Bottom action bar

Add Display

will enable you to easy and effectively add multiple displays to the system. Scan or type display serial number and press "Add". Repeat until you are done. 


will enable you to continuously assign displays. Scan or type the display serial number and product number, select layout and press add. Repeat until you are done. 

Broadcast pagechange

will change the page of all displays in the system. Select a page and click "Broadcast".


makes it easy to make actions on multiple displays.

Upload a file with serialnumbers arranged like this and click " Upload"





Or select the field under the and scan or type the serial numbers.

When you have all the displays select the action you want to perform.

Detailed Information

Current Page:

Show the active page.

Battery status:

Shows the current battery status off the display.


Shows the current temperature of the display.


Click the link to see what is shown on the display.

Common Status messages

Failed radio coverage check

The display is out of range of the antennas or is unable to get in contact with the antenna.

Solution: Make sure the display is in range off an antenna, Force update the display.


Failed to network configure display

When the display is added to the system the system will network configure the display. If this network configure fails the display will recive the message.

Solution: Place the display near the main antenna and Reconfigure the display.


Product does not exist

If the product attached to the display does not exist in the Breece database. 

Solution: Make sure the product is loaded into Breece. You can check this in the products tab.


Low battery

When the display is about to run out of battery.


The displays will show one of these icons.

Displayed when the display has low battery. Change the battery.

Displayed when the display is mounted in a cool area below the recommended limit. Move the display to a new location where the temperature is in the recommended range. Wait for the display to warm up and try force updating the display.

Export failed displays on Group level

To download the list of failed displays for a group of installations, follow these steps:

  • From the Cloud dashboard, press INSTALLATIONS (GRP)


  • Go to your installation group dashboard


  • On the dashboard under the Displays section, find and choose “Total failures”





  • Total failures for all installations in the group are now shown. From here, press “Export list”



  • An excel sheet will now be downloaded. When opened, you will have a list of all failed displays with information including; Installation name, Serial Number, Assigned Product, Display Type, Status message, battery status



In the Vision tab, you can manage all your Visions. Use the filtersto find the Vision you are looking for.

Vision actions

Vision actions allow you to add, assign Visions and more. 

Vision right click actions


Click a product field and type or scan the product to assign the product.  

Bottom action bar

Split screen to enable split screen. You can see in the edit window that a new column has appeared.

Full screen to enable full screen. Now there is only a single column in the edit window.

Release will release all products from the Vision.

Preview opens a new window. Wait for the preview to load.

Commit to save the assignment IMPORTANT !!!


Location - Set the location of the device to better identify it.

Slideshow interval - Set the time in seconds where the slide show will change.

Multi product order type - Set how the products are ordered.

Enable overscan - Here you can fit output to the screen.

Migration is used to migrate a vision to another installation.

Assign History will get you a list of the assign history

Queue History will get you a list of the queue history

Vision multi actions

Force Update forces the vision to update creating new images and loads the images into the device.

Delete Vision removes the vision from the installation.

Bottom action bar

Add Vision adds a new Vision to the installation. 

Detailed Information

Is spilt?: 

Tells if the screen is running split screen.

Latest communication info: 

Multiple fields. These will hold information about the latest information like if the vision is in queue and Last Successfully Communication.

IP address:

The device IP address.

Slideshow interval:

Shows the time in seconds when that pages in the slide show will change.


Click to see a preview off the vision.


In the Product tab, you can get information on products. Use the filters to find the products you are looking for.

Product Number:

The product number.

Is Assigned:

Tells if the product is assigned to a displays or vision.

Product description:
The product description is selected from the product import.

Last product update:
Timestamp of the last update on the display.

Design pages:
Each display can hold up two Designs. The design is selected from the product import.

Reorder Code: 

The product reorder code.

Buttom actionbar

Import products will open a dialog. Find your product import file and press "import product(s)"

Import history opens a new window with a list of the product import history.

Export Filtered List will export a list of products with a status on each product.

Detailed information

Variable Details:

Shows a list of all the fields in a product.

Assigning manual values to products - single and batch assignment

Go to the product tab on the cloud installation/group dashboard

To assign a manual value for a single product, find your product and right click > Assign manual values

A page with available manual fields will be shown. Enter the desired values and press save.

A product update will now be sent to assigned displays.

To assign a manual value for multiple products / batch assignment, go to the Product tab, press the Batch assign manual values button on the blue bottom pane

In the pop-up box, insert the product numbers in a listed format. To proceed, press Set manual fields


You will now be able to set the manual fields for all products at the same time. Change the desired values and press save.


In the jobs tab, you can follow the system handle the actions you or the system performs on the installation. 


The display and vision job queues are separated. Select the views in the top of the page.

Job Status/Job type

We have 2 status categories. Job status that shows where in the process a specific display is. Job type that shows a number of different jobs in queues. 

You can click on the different status or types to get a list of items being handled. 


Here you can see and manage designs loaded into the system

Desing actions

By right clicking or clicking the arrow on a layout in the list, you will get a menu with all the actions you have available with one layout.

Download design

Downloads the design to your local drive.


Deletes the layout.

Bottom action bar

Upload Design

Uploads a design to the installation.

Dynamic Images

Here you can see and manage dynamic images loaded into the system.

Detailed information

Here you can see a preview of the selected image.

Bottom action bar

Upload image(s)

Uploads one or more images to the system.

Show images

Will show a preview if each image. 


Deletes selected image(s).


Here you can see your mobile devices configured to the system.

Bottom Action bar

Add device

Adds a new device to the system. insert serialnumber and click "Save".

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In the configuration tab, you can configure the installation.

Product Imports:

Here you can setup the product import. 



Here you can manage your system templates.


Product lookup:

Here you can setup how the product lookup should react. 

Configuration can be set for both installation or group - if the configuration is set on group, the following yellow banner will be shown on the installation. To override the group configuration, activate "override configuration".

When a local installation configuration is saved, it can be removed again by pressing "Remove configuration" below the Save button.



If you have some special definitions your layout needs access to this is the place to look.


Schedule for example page broadcasts or Force updates. 


See and manage you plugins.


Manage your users.

System Configuration:

Here you can set installation information like system logo, language and installation name.


For System Admins:

When a Vision 4K gets turned on for the first time and is connected to the internet - the box will report to Cloud.

Upon reporting it will be possible to see the Vision4K in the “Unregistered list”. This means that the box has been online but is not yet moved to an Installation.

From the “Unregistered list” it is possible to move the V4K to an installation or move to external system by right-clicking on the V4K. When moving to an installation just follow the guide.

If the V4K has been moved to another system like DEMO or an Enterprise installation it will be listed in the “Externally managed” list.

For installation admins and installation readers.

In installation you see all the V4K option by clicking the V4K icon in the top bar.

Vision4K list:

In the list it is possible to see all V4Ks moved to the installation. Here it is also possible to create V4Ks that are not yet know on the installation. If the serial number is in the “Unregistered list” (and therefore not moved to an installation) the V4K will automatically be moved to the installation. If it is not yet known to the system it is still possible to create the V4K. This makes it possible to prepare the system with a serial number while the V4K is offline (e.g. in transport) and when the V4K is connected to the internet it will be ready in the installation.


Here the paths are set from where all the material should be downloaded.

Set the path for images, videos, fonts. Supported paths URL and FTP (soon SFTP).

Select Default Network Configuration to set up default settings for all V4Ks in installation.

         In the network configuration it is possible to set a configuration that will be automatically set for all V4Ks on current installation – if configuration for the single V4K has not been set. Setting up configuration for single V4K is done by right-clicking on the V4K from the list.


See a list of your current WIFI-profiles and easily create others.

The Wifi-profiles are used for the default wifi-profile on the installation (Configuration) or to be selected in the configuration of the single V4K.


Upload your different designs you want to use on your V4K (xml files).

Vision4K list (right-click actions):

Get an overview of you current V4Ks moved to this installation.

From here it is possible to make different actions on your V4K by right-clicking on the line.

Assign: Assign the design and the material needed for the selected design.

When design is selected the Items input needed for the design is shown to the right. By clicking on the input fields you are able to see in which area this is located.

Video: Video file name

Image: image file name

Product: number or reorder code

Unassign: Unassign the current assignment – setting the visual output of the V4K to default.

Reboot: Reboots the V4K

Factory Reset: Resets the V4K to the factory settings (WARNING: make sure to consult support before using this action).

Return to Basic: Resets the V4K to basics but keeping the current assignment/settings (Will be downloaded again).

Configuration: Setting the configuration on the V4K will overwrite the default configuration set on the installation. When setting the V4K to slave you need to type the serial number of the master V4K.

Unregister device: Returns the V4K to the “Unregistered list” of V4Ks.

Questions: Please call support.