If you use a smartphone or handheld scanner to add displays to the system,
Do you need to ensure that you have the buttons "Add displays" and "Delete displays" on your Breece Mobil Assist app.
(If you do not have these buttons in the BMA app - contact your own support to have them added).
Add a display to the BMA System
1. Find the main antenna in the store. It is marked with an orange sticker on the antenna.
2. Place displays as close to the main antenna as possible. This is important to achieve the best result.
3. Press the add button in the BMA app.
4. Scan the displays you need to add to the system
You can follow the display queue on the website under Jobs
5. Make sure the queue is empty before proceeding.
The displays that have been changed and have the store logo are on, you can now use them in the store.
If there are faulty displays that are still blank or have the old store's logo on - go on to the next step
Delete displays from the BMA system
1. Find the failed displays.
2. Select "Delete display" in the BMA app.
3. Scan the failed displays.
4. Check that the job queue is empty after you have scanned all the displays to be deleted.
5. Select "Add display".
6. Scan the displays you need to add to the system
We recommend doing this a maximum of 3 times on displays.
If displays still do not work, you can do the following
1. Try removing the battery from the display for about 10 seconds and inserting it back in. Then try deleting and adding the display again.
2. Remember to delete displays on the system before adding the display
3. If the display still does not work, you can try to configure the battery.
4. If the display still fails, the display must be broken and can be sent back to Delfi Technologies on disposal.
Add displays via cloud.breecesystem.com
- Log on to the cloud installation.
- Press the tab displays
- In the lower-left corner press
- intoScan displays directly in to the great gray rectangle. Remember to press the gery area before starting the scan
- Or scan the displays to a text file
- Press
and browse your text file
- When all displays are scannes/uploadet, press Add Display scanned
- Remember to control the queue on the tab
- Control for an empty queue
- Those displays that have changed and where you can read the actual date at the bottom of the display, are now ready to use.
- If you can see blank displays or displays without the current date go to next step
Delete displays from the system via the cloud
- intoxicant failed displays directly in to the great gray rectangle. Remember to press the grey area before starting the scan
- Press Delete Displays
- Control for an empty queue
Delete displays from the system via Cloud (By filtering)
Press on the number of failed displays
Now all failed displays are chosen - Press DisplayBatch
Tryk på "Use filter" og derefter "Delete display"
- Try removing the battery from the display for about 10 seconds and inserting it back in. Then try deleting and adding the display again.
- Remember to delete displays on the system before adding the display
- If the display still fails, the display must be broken and can be sent back to Delfi Technologies mbh. on disposal.