Status Message | Reason | Explanation | Solution |
FailedSystemConfiguration | Failed during configuration to the system | There was contact to the display during configuration, but something went wrong in the final configuration | Reconfigure, Delete & Add |
FailedNetworkConfiguration | Failed during configuration to the system | It was not possible to contact the display during configuration. | Reconfigure, Delete & Add |
NotConfigured | Display not attempted configured | The display was added but never configured the system. | Reconfigure, Delete & Add |
NetworkConfigured | Partly configured | The system have made contact to the display but not finished the configuration. | Reconfigure, Delete & Add |
FailedCommunication | Unable to contact the displays | The system was not able to make contact to the display when attempting an update. | Place display closer to an antennen, Remove batteries briefly to restart the display |
LowBattery | The battery is almost depleted | The display will soon be too low on battery to update image. | Replace batteries with new once |
CurrentPageDesignNotFound | Missing design for product attached | The design for the current product was not uploaded to the installation or installation group. | Upload the design used on the product |
CurrentPageProductNotFound | The attached product was not found | The attached product was not imported to the system. | Import the attached product |
CurrentPageFailedUpdate | Something went wrong during the creation of the image | When an update is sent to the display, a new image will be created. Something went wrong during this process. | Force update, Unassign and assign the product again |
AlternatePageDesignNotFound | The missing design for product attached on an alternate page | The design used on another page for the product was not uploaded to the installation or installation group. | Upload the design used on the product |
AlternatePageProductNotFound | The attached product was not found on the alternate page | The attached product on alternate page was not imported to the system. | Import the attached product |
AlternatePageFailedUpdate | Something went wrong during creation of the image on alternate page | When an update is sent to the display, a new image will be created. Something went wrong during this process on an alternate page. | Force update, Unassign and assign the product again |
FailedHealthCheck | Something went wrong during a routine health check | The system will regulaery check the display to make sure there is still contact. Something went wrong during this process. | Force Update |
LowTemperature | The display is too cold | The display is in an enviorement that is too cold for the specifications. | Physically move the display to a warmer envoirement |
EnumValue EnumText DisplayText Description
2 | Good | Good | Battery voltage is at a level suitable for image updates |
3 | Poor | Poor | Battery voltage is now close to being at such a low level, where image update might no longer be possible |
4 | |||
5 | Replace | Replace | Battery voltage is now at such a low level, that image updates might no longer be available |
6 |