This guide provides insight into how to maintain the Breece Cloud system in relation to antennas and displays, as well as how to activate notifications/alarms.
- General information on maintaining the Breece Cloud System
- OBS - OBS - OBS | In case of battery change
General information on maintaining the Breece Cloud System
Displays must always be kept within the range of the antennas.
If displays are brought out of range, they will try to contact the antenna repeatedly after a short time.
This will discharge the batteries faster than usual.
The antennas are designed for 24x7 uptime, and must therefore remain online around the clock with the necessary power source and network access via ethernet.
If the antennas are offline, displays will also discharge faster than usual,
as it corresponds to displays being out of range (displays cannot find the antenna).
To check if the antennas on your system are online, go to the cloud website.
(link to Cloud was sent during user creation)
Go to the Antennas tab
In the list of antennas, Operational status must be "Operational"means it is online
If the antenna is unexpectedly "Disconnected" (Offline),
- try restarting the antenna by removing the power source, either in the form of a power adapter or Ethernet cable with PoE (Power-over-Ethernet).
- Wait 2 minutes and reconnect the antenna.
- Wait for the antenna to become operational again.
Alternatively, follow our more detailed antenna troubleshooting guide:
On the cloud website, alarms can also be set up to indicate whether an antenna is offline.
Go to the Subscribers tab by holding the mouse over the wrench on the right side of the blue menu bar
Select Alarm Configuration on the blue menu bar at the bottom of the page
Select Add alarm configuration on the blue menu bar at the bottom of the page
Under Name, enter a name for the alarm,
for example: Main antenna offline
Then the Alarm type is selected
- When selecting MasterCommunicator, an email is sent if the main antenna on the installation is offline
- When selecting Communicators, an email is sent if the other antennas are offline
- When selecting Imports, an email is sent if a product import fails and requires attention
- When selecting ImportWarnings, an email is sent if a product import partially fails - for example, if there is an error in 1 out of 100 products
- When selecting NoImport, an email is sent if there has been no product import within a certain period of time.
In addition, you can choose whether some days should be ignored if you know that there will be no product import.
Handling low battery displays
To keep the system running optimally,
we recommend that you check at least once a week to follow up on any faulty displays and low-battery displays.
- Go to the This installation tab, the first button on the blue menu bar at the top
On the left side of the "Displays" section,
you can see the number of low-battery displays from the "Warnings" category.
Low Battery (in use) shows the number of low battery displays that have a product attached
Low Battery (not in use) shows the number of low battery displays that do not have a product attached
Total low battery shows the total number of low battery displays (in use and not in use combined)
- By clicking on, for example, Low battery (in use)
- you will see the list of displays. From here it is possible to see information about the affected displays, including;
Serial number
Associated product
Display Type
Last updated (date and time)
Furthermore, it is possible to download a list to the computer so that it can be printed. Click "Export Filtered List" on the blue bar at the bottom of the page, as shown in the image above.
OBS - OBS - OBS | In case of battery change
After battery replacement, a minimum of 2 display updates must be made. This can be done via Breece Cloud, a handheld terminal, or using our Breece Mobile Assist app.
In the cloud, find the display in the list of low-battery displays -
- right-click on it and select "Force Update".
- Wait a few minutes and do the same thing again.
In the Breece Mobile Assist app,
- select "Update" and the display will be scanned.
- Wait a few minutes and do the same thing again.
Alternatively, instead of a "Force update", you can assign the same or new product with the item again.
This must also be done twice.
For more information on battery replacement, see our guide: